How to redeem an eBay Promo Code?
Redeeming an eBay coupon is easy. Browse through all the available promo codes and click on the one that appeals to you. You will be directed to the eBay website. Here, you will need to sign in to your eBay account. Then you proceed to the checkout page. On the checkout page, you will find a field that asks you to input the promo code. Copy and paste the promo code into the space provided. Click on ‘Apply’ and the discount will be applied to your purchases. Enjoy your new savings.
How to get the best savings at eBay?
You can sign up to the eBay newsletter to get updates, useful information, monthly discounts and promotional updates sent directly to your inbox. Account holders can also get priority notification on the latest discounts available. You can also browse through the sale section on the eBay website. Customers can enroll in the eBay Rewards Program to maximize their savings. Once approved for the Platinum MasterCard, you will be eligible for reward points, cash back towards your PayPal account and get exclusive eBay coupons for being loyal customers.
What if the eBay coupon code is not working?
The eBay coupon may be expired or the requirement of the discount may not be met. Check the terms and conditions to confirm the validity of the coupon. If it is valid and still doesn’t work, eBay recommends that you fix the problem by clearing your cookies or switching to another browser. For any further assistance, you may contact their customer experience team to help.